I came to Faith to Faith convention 2023 edition believing God for employment. In day 2 of convention, Pastor stood as the doorman. While began to open doors he mentioned my case and I said Amen with all my heart. Since then, I kept declaring and believing God for an open door of employment. A month later, I got a new job as a supervisor and the salary I received is exactly the amount I was believing God for. Thank God for lifting power!
Fullname : YIRA NNORDEE.
Since April, I woke up to an excruciating pain around my left wrist. Then I attended healing presence and as Pastor ministered he told us to do what we could not do, then I moved my handand discovered the pain is gone. Glory!
I'm thanking God for healing my son, he went for tonsillitis surgery and after the surgery, saliva started coming out of his mouth. I was really worried because it was that serious to the point of us carrying handkerchief everywhere he goes.
But when I heared that healing presence was holding, I couldn't wait because I don't know what people would say about my son salivating. But i'm giving God all the glory because after healing presence, the salivating stopped. Glory to God!
Fullname : ANITA DIKE.
For more than a month I have had excruciating pain in my left leg. It was pains in my bones, and I found it difficult to walk, I was even limping for a long time, but as Pastor was ministering, he gave a word of knowledge of pain disappeared. Now i can stand, jump, and dance without pain. Glory to God.
I couldn't raise my right hand for 2 years. It happened when I fell down and had a fracture and that resulted in me being unable to raise my hands and even to hold a broom to sweep. But as Pastor ministered, he said there was a person with a fracture who couldn't raise his/her hand, he said that the person should raise it, I immediately felt a shock in my hand and I was able to raise my hand. Glory to God.
For one year I had pains at the back of my neck. My chest also hurts me and diagnosis said the pains are as a result of ulcer. I've been on medication but not healed. I was invited for a program with Pastor Tibi Peters and when I cam, Pastor mentioned my case and told us to come out. I came out and I was ministered to by the Pastor. Prior to the ministration, I was still having pains as i came but after hands were laid on me, I discovered that allthe symtoms of the sickness disappeared and now I'm totally healed and restored. Glory to God!!
One of my cousins promised to give men money, this was like six months ago. Since then, I had not heard from him. I came for One Word From God believing that God has to provide for me.
After the program, my cousin called and asked me to send my account details. When I forwarded it to him, he sent me money huge enough for house rent, my studies and upkeep. I couldn't believe my eyes but God did it. Glory to God!!
Fullname : BRO. SOMTO MARK (Calabar Chapter).
For two weeks I've had this severe itching and rash. I was invited to church and as I stepped in Pastor Tibi was ministering. While ministering he made mention of my case declaring that the person was healed. I knew it was me and IMMEDIATELY the itching stopped right on the spot. This can only be God.
In 2020 I was frequent in the hospital because of severe pains and bleeding, medical report said there was fibroids in my uterus that I will have to take long term drugs to stop the growth or go for surgery so that child bearing will be possible.
My husband and I were in faith for healing, in convention 2020, pastor was declaring words and he said, "that bleeding stops now, husband receive the ability to impregnate your wives, wives receive the ability to get pregnant".
Immediately I went to check myself because I came to church bleeding and the bleeding stopped right there in service. Exactly 9 months later fibroids turns to a fine baby girl. Glory to God!
I came for One Word from God with a buzzing sound in my ears. When Pastor mentioned a case of someone having fluid in their ear. I heard it but didn't stand up because mine was a case of a buzzing sound in my ears. But then it occurred to me that since Pastor was talking about an ear issue it was just the right time for me to receive my healing. This buzzing sound has lingered for about two weeks now, most times it gets worse on the left ear and I'll be using the right ear to hear.
But after Pastor ministered, towards the end of the meeting, I found out that the buzzing sound was not there anymore and I'm feeling more comfortable.
I'm so glad I was invited to OWFG... Glorayyyy
I came for Metamorphosis with an expectation. We did a project expecting to get more clients after that we were sceptical about the outcome.
During Metamorphosis I took out time to pray and follow instructions given by our man of God. After Metamorphosis There was an unusual explosion... We received more than a hundred calls from clients and since then I've been up and down opening and closing deals. My car dealing business experienced a new phase of expansion
Also that week going for inspection I mistakingly hit the side mirror of an expensive vehicle and the owner refused my plea and told me I had to pay for it. We went to the place of repairs and after they fixed it he told me to go just like that. He paid for it Glory.... God FAVOURED me
I walked into Renaissance Assembly in the month of October and immediately became a part of the membership school Though I haven't been to any church for the longest time because of my kind of job. I want to thank God for being filled with the Holy Spirit during the Membership class and I also thank God for the impact of His Word.
On Sunday, during the Moments of Prophecy, I came to church after my job but While in church as pastor was ministering and releasing blessings on us, I received a message that I've been sacked from my job because i had paused to come to attend the third service. I wasn't happy and told my cell leader who in turn told me to call my boss and apologize but I told him I won't because if I do so I would never be allowed to serve God and my boss won't allow me come for services. And if he calls me back, I'll state my terms because I want to serve God and work not serve worship my job only. My cell leader assured me pastor has spoken Words and he prayed for me.
To the glory of God the next day being Monday, I got a better jobs offer with Thrice the pay I received at my former place of work and I still have time to serve God. I was in service on Thursday and I'm glad for this miracle. Glory to God........Amen.
Prior to my being a part of Renaissance Assembly , I had written jamb 3 times but didn't gain admission to the university after joining Renaissance Assembly, I took another jamb, hoping for admission this time and it wasn't coming on time I was always fearful and would tell my cell leader ( Pastor Ade) who would always encourage me.
In January after pastor had declared words on us in December I was called that my name was on the list. To the glory of God I gained admission to the University of Port Harcourt.
I took my studies seriously and after my examination I knew I had done well in them when the results came out I had missing scripts. and very poor grades.. D, E, F . I cried and called my cell leader who encouraged me and told me to hold on to the God's Word and service. At that juncture, I told him because of my carry overs I won't handle any cell responsibilities rather than give up, he told me to actively participate in cell outreach and then those I invited started testifying how God changed their results in school.
Then it was Metamorphosis November edition pastor Tibi had talked about how Time and chance had happened for him when he wanted to check his results and I keyed into that message massively then he made my eyes open to a scripture that still keeps me going till tomorrow mark 9:23 ohhhhh I so loved the scripture I Keyed immediately and I screamed in my Academics it is possible my results can change and I believe. I took it upon myself to be a big part of the next cell outreach after Metamorphosis. After it , my cell leader was impressed at our performance and prayed for us
Thursday I just felt in my spirit to go to school and get my spreadsheet for my results and when I got there the lecturer told me to check. I saw my results all the E F and missing scripts, were B's and C's. I screamed and that caught the attention of everyone in the office. What a miracle it was for me. My Grades were high and my CGPA high too. I've never seen such a miracle all my life. Pastor's testimonies brought my own testimony. Thanks to my cell leader (Pst Ade) Thank you Pastor Tibi Peters for touching and changing our lives Thank you Jesus
During metamorphosis of June I was led to pray, study and fast for the whole month. While studying one of the books I had picked, I received an instruction from the spirit which I followed. The result was that a colleague who doesn't know me personally except for our relationship at work, decided to sponsor me to study for masters abroad. He told me to apply to a school of my choice in the UK, get the admission and bring it back to him to handle the rest.
I found it hard to find a suitable school before talking about an admission. I was also skeptical if the man really meant what he said. But during the convention, our man of God came in as the door man and declared international doors open to us. I received it and went ahead to make fresh applications. Firstly while still in convention, I received a fully funded scholarship with stipends to any school in Japan.
Secondly, To the glory of God the schools I applied to in the UK after my encounter with the doorman in Convention both gave me provisional admissions. I have made my choice out of the two and I am currently working on getting it confirmed. Gloryyyyy
Fullname : IDAH AMADI .
Pastor has been saying God is putting our matter in the hearts of men and that happened to me as few weeks ago a friend just called thanking me for old times and told me he overheard my conversation of something I needed to pay for and that he will pay for it. I didn't call back to remind him Three weeks had passed and I was beginning to let go and I had told my self that it wasn't going to come but then it was Day 1 of Metamorphosis, I took out time to pray at home about other things but the money thing didn't cross my mind as I had already let go. I came to church and few minutes after Pastor came up, and was speaking over us, I took my phone to take notes down and I saw the alert and not just that, I also saw an alert from someone who has been owing me for a month. Double alerts gloryyyyy
Again, Pastor encouraged us to sow our seeds and not give our regular offerings and all so, on Day 2 I gave 4 times my regular offering, tithe and a prophet's offering. And then going home, I told my self I wanted 2 times everything I gave the very next day. Half way into the next day I had forgotten about the whole thing but around past 10 in the night I received an alert, And yes, I got 2 times everything and more that day.
Lastly, I went to see my project supervisor on Monday before Metamorphosis and he refused to sign on my work because my code was incomplete but after Metamorphosis, I went on Friday still without the complete code and this time he signed. I am super super grateful to God and to Pastor Tibi Peters, his ministry has greatly impacted my life. I am not where I used to be.
Fullname : JANET ADEYEMI .
Glory to God!!!!
I can't believe how far God has brought me. When I joined Church after evening of blessing, i was a security personnel. I kept coming to church and hearing the word of God and putting it to work in my life. In this short time, I did membership school and got filled with the holy ghost and learnt how to pray fervently.
After the fasting and prayer we had at the beginning of August Pastor spoke words over us declaring promotions and lifting land to the glory of God from the post of security II was promoted to a supervisor at my place of work. I just want to give God all the glory because it's not something I imagined could happen so soon or so quickly. I have seen that the prophetic and prayer brings results.
I want to praise the name of the Lord for the awesome thing he did in my life. This is beyond human comprehension. I came to Port Harcourt with the hope of gaining admission to the higher institution- RIVERS STATE UNIVERSITY. I was positive about the admission because my cut-off mark was higher than the school cut-off mark for the course of my choice. So, I started attending classes in November 2022. Months passed, and my name still didn't appear on the admission list. When I heard admission was ending in May 2023, I became afraid that the admission wasn't going to happen, and after that month passed , I still wasn't admitted, so I gave up. I wasn't happy at all after all the times and efforts put in. I was already preparing to return to my parents in Yenagoa, Nigeria, after I attend METAMORPHOSIS June edition with Pastor Tibi Peters. I came for metamorphosis with a desire to experience breakthroughs as a family. But when the pastor started ministering, faith was stirred in my heart, and I saw another picture about admission. It was heightened when Pastor Tibi Peters shared his own story of how God gave him supernatural admission after 9months of attendiing classes without admission. When I heard his story, I knew I was going to share a similar testimony. On day 2 of metamorphosis, which was June 2nd, 2023, I checked my jamb caps in the morning, and still it showed not admitted. I still went to church and prayed.On Sunday, June 4th, 2023 after Sunday Service, I obeyed pastor's instruction and was meditating on God's word, playing pastor's messages and praying. After everything, I went back to check my JAMB caps in the evening.Lo and behold. I saw "admitted", and it was dated June 2nd, 2023. I put off my phone, switched it on again, and checked to see if I was hallucinating it was still admitted. I called the man processing my admission and asked him to check. He checked and said THIS CAN ONLY BE GOD. Only the VC can give such. Did you pay anyone? I said NO. He said admission has ended, but what I'm seeing is that you've gained admission into the school in just one week to exams. I give God all the praise. Thank you, Pastor Tibi, for teaching us God's Word and for the prophetic words that has brought results in my life after 8years of trying to gain admission. Glorryyyyyy.
I have been sick of accute appendicitis. The pains kept coming regularly. So, my friends keep me company, awake throughout the night most times. I was preparing to go for an operation after the semester exams, I was invited for Faith to Faith Convention by my friend Miracle. I came on Friday evening.
Pastor declared that he had opened the doors of healing and he also said that we should place our hands on the affected part, I placed my hands on my abdomen, pastor prayed.
I went to the hospital on Monday the test showed sub accute appendicitis. I insisted on my healing and said no that God had healed me did they referred to do a scan. I went ahead to do the scan and to the glory of God there was no sign of acute or sub acute appendicitis. I am healthy and strong.
Fullname : BRIYANA C.
I had been believing God for a job with a specific salary range in a specific career by the end of this year 2023. As I approached the 3rd quarter of the year with my applications being unseccessful, I became anxious and started contemplating whether to explore other career paths. I prayed about it and decided to remain focused.
In September, I got an interview invite and the process continued through Faith to Faith Convention. During convention, I connected my desire for this job to every prayer and word of prophecy that was released, and I also made a vow.
I got the offer last week and negotiated for a higher salary, which fell within my desired range. I will be resuming my new job in my desired field next month!
Before F2F convention I had an accident with bike, due to the accident there was an injury that refused to heal even with treatment. I felt pains, pus was still coming out and the leg swells whenever I walk. It was of a great concern so I added it to convention prayer points. Getting to convention it worsened because of the stress.
By Friday, day 2 my drugs had finished so I went to the medical stand after the morning session to get vitamin c. The injury was examined and I was told to go to the hospital when I get back to Yenagoa that there was no improvement.
During the evening session, door of healing opened and my case mentioned; "That injury that refused to heal, be healed and it did not heal unusually, it heals miraculously, commanding it to close and dry up and for the pus to stop". Ater the session, the injection I was to take, I gave them out to one of the nurses and stopped taking the drugs. Whenever my attention was drawn to it, I declared the words spoken. By Sunday I realised the pus had seized and the pains left, and on Wenesday the injury closed and dried up, I was walking perfectly and the swelling melted out completely. An injury that lingered for 3 solid weeks was healed miraculously and dried up in space of days.
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